Your essential long-distance moving checklist

Four movers in green shirts and black pants standing in front of an open moving truck, smiling at the camera.

It’s no secret that cross-country moves can be an ordeal. Even moving down the street can be a lot to handle, so relocating to another state or all the way across the country can feel like a daunting task at the best of times. The key to ensuring that everything goes smoothly and you have a successful long-distance move is proper planning and giving yourself ample time to get everything crossed off your long-distance moving checklist. Wondering how to prepare for a long-distance move? Here are some tips on what to include on your to-do list from the expert cross-country movers at Pure Moving Company.

1. Plan Ahead

The earlier you can start the planning phase of the whole moving process, the better off you’ll be. If possible, try to get started on planning two or three months in advance so you have plenty of time to get everything in place before the big day. That includes steps such as contacting your insurance provider to see if your insurance policies can be transferred or if you’ll need to find a new insurance company in your new state. If you are renting, make sure your landlord is aware of your moving away and is available for a walk-through on the day you hand in your keys. This way, you will prevent issues and can ensure you’ll receive your full security deposit.

2. Get Rid of Stuff You Don’t Want or Need

This may sound like an obvious point for any long-distance moving checklist, but it’s also one of the most difficult things to do, so it’s often neglected. It really doesn’t make sense to go through the hassle and expense of moving items you don’t even want so you can store them in your new home. Take the time to sort through your belongings and say goodbye to any unwanted items. The chances are you don’t even need them.

3. Create or Update Your Home Inventory List

You may already have a home inventory list, but if not, this is the perfect time to create one. This is basically what it sounds like—a list inventorying everything you own, or at least the most important and valuable items. This is very helpful for your long-distance move because you have a clear paper trail of what exactly is being moved and what should be arriving at your new home. It’s also helpful for insurance purposes, so you can determine the replacement value of your belongings.

4. Research and Reserve a Reputable Moving Company

When you’re focused on how to prepare for a long-distance move, one of the most important steps is finding a trustworthy, qualified moving company. Professional movers, such as the ones at Pure Moving, have the experience to ensure your relocation goes as smoothly as possible and all your belongings get there intact and on schedule. It’s best to call us six weeks in advance, if possible, to make sure we have the availability and can book your preferred moving date.

5. Make Travel Plans

Now that transportation for your belongings is locked in, the next step on your long-distance moving checklist is to sort out transportation for you and the other members of your household. You may be planning to drive, especially if you have one or more vehicles that you’re bringing with you, or flying might be the better option. Either way, keep the stuff you’re bringing with you pared down to just the essentials you’ll need during the trip.

6. Keep Important Documents Safe

The last thing you want to deal with when you’re trying to get established in your new home is digging through random boxes, trying to remember where this or that document was packed. Keep important documents together in one place, like a designated folder, and keep it with you during the move. That could include documents such as birth certificates, passports, social security cards, medical records, dental records, school records and more.

7. Arrange for Utilities

Before you leave, call your utility company for the home you’re leaving behind and arrange to have your utilities cut off the day after you move out. It also makes sense to take the time to research utility providers at your destination and contact them so you can make sure you have electricity and running water all ready to go at your new home. You may also need to contact other service providers, such as credit card companies, to update your address information.

8. Pack Wisely

Packing can feel like a major chore, and it’s usually the part of a long-distance moving checklist that people enjoy least. If you’re not up to the task, that’s okay—Pure Moving offers careful, experienced packing services. But if you’re ready and willing to do it yourself, start by gathering all the packing supplies you’ll need, from moving boxes to packing tape and bubble wrap to moving pads. Heavier items like books should go in small boxes, while lighter items like cushions can be combined into large boxes. Fragile items should be wrapped with paper or bubble wrap for maximum protection.

9. Label Boxes Clearly

Not sure where to start with packing? One of our best long-distance moving tips is to pack one room at a time rather than packing a little bit here, a little bit there and getting mixed up. Don’t combine items from various rooms into one box if you can avoid it. Clearly label each box with the name of the room where it belongs so our movers can simply place it in the correct room at your destination for easier unpacking.

10. Stay Organized

This isn’t so much something you can cross off your long-distance moving checklist but rather an ongoing project throughout the entire move. Use inventory lists, packing lists, travel information and moving timelines to your advantage to stay as organized as possible during your relocation to a new zip code. That may involve the use of a planning app or spreadsheet, or you may be the type of person who needs to see information laid out on paper, so choose the organization method that works best for you.

By following this long-distance moving checklist, you can reduce the stress of your long-distance move and ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience. Trust Pure Moving Company for your next long-distance move and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with professional and reliable moving services. Contact us today to learn more!

Ready to get moving? We will help you every step of the way.

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